
2B, Zenon, Khatodara Wadi, Nr Kiran Motors, Surat.


24x7 Customer Support

Timings :

24x7 We are Open


Following instructions need to be followed for blood test at home:

  1. Call on home collection no. 7747813333
  2. Share test details and doctor reference, if mentioned.
  3. Ask regarding test charges.
  4. Ask about any other thing that needs to be kept in mind before the test.
  5. Confirm booking timing.

Blood sample collection is available at patient’s convenience. If that times do not suit the collection boys or the slot is booked, then as per availability of collection boys.

Yes, you can visit our website – and you can book your appointment through our website.

We provide from morning 6:00 AM to 11:00 PM.


Because some diseases don’t show any symptoms even at a later stage, so it is better to do regular routine check-ups so that condition, if any, can be detected at an early stage.

Consult with the doctor or with the pathologist at the TOUCHLABS diagnostic centre. You can contact us at 0261-2969594.


Test requisition receipt will be provided by the collection boy if home visit done and later bill will be provided with the reports from lab. And if you are a walk in patient then immediately bill will be provided.

TOUCHLABS diagnostic centre accept cash, bank transfer, and digital payments.

Regret but it is non-refundable once the payment and the sample entry is done then you cannot cancel your order.

If the test charge is above Rs 300, then the home collection service will be free of charge, and if the test amount is less than 300, then the cost is levied.


Yes, your test results are 100% confidential but if your tests are conducted on the basis of any doctor’s reference, then they will be shared with your doctor.

The tests which are done in-house, results for can be given the same day, but if any tests are outsourced then it will be based on the tests.

Soft copy of reports will be delivered by email and whatsapp, or you may collect the test reports from our pathology laboratory by sharing your receipt number / case ID/ registered mobile number. For more details you can contact our customer care executive at – 0261-2969594.