
What is Lipid Profile Test And Why We Should Get It Done


Lipid Profile Test


To quote Buddha- “To keep the body in good health is a duty…otherwise we shall not be able to keep it kind, strong and clear.”

To keep our body in a healthy state, is our first requisite. We can do all the duties effectively only if we have a strong and healthy body.

The world is changing at a fast pace, leading to an increase in stress levels. Stress is one of the leading factors to cause cardiovascular diseases amongst humans, that in many cases could also be the reason for deaths.

An estimated 17.9 million people died from CVD in 2019. Out of these deaths 85% were due to heart attack and stroke.

Let us first learn the reason behind these diseases.

There are fat-like substances called lipids that are stored in both our blood and tissues.

Lipids are essential for the proper working of our body. Though they provide energy, when present in excess they lead to heart stroke or coronary artery diseases.

Cardiovascular diseases include- coronary heart diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, peripheral arterial diseases, rheumatic heart diseases, congenital heart diseases, deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

Lipid tests are conducted in the Pathology Laboratory to measure four types of lipids in our blood –

  • Total Cholesterol Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol 
  • High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol 
  • Triglycerides

Lipid Profile Test Surat

Reasons To Take Lipid Profile Test  

One is adviced to take lipid tests if they are indulged in an unhealthy diet, regular drinking and smoking, and if they are obese, physically inactive and diagnosed by diabetes.

It is important to take lipid profile tests for males of 45 years and above, and women of 50 years above, to ensure cholesterol levels in their blood.

Apart from this even children, teenagers and adults are advised to take lipid tests at least once in 6 months or a year. Because now due to unhealthy habits or diet, heart diseases can take place in humans of any age.

Following are the list of things you need to keep in mind while taking up a lipid profile test 

  • Avoid drinking alcohol
  • Avoid high fat food
  • Avoid strenuous exercise

According to some, fasting for 8 hours is considered appropriate before the test.

At TOUCHLABS we provide you with the facility of Lipid Profile Test, both at pathology laboratory and at home.

And after a clear analysis of the test, the doctors provide you with necessary medications, diet and lifestyle changes for the health of your heart.

Concluding Thoughts

Your health is your biggest asset and it is your responsibility to take care of it.

Conducting lipid profile tests allows the doctor to measure the amount of cholesterol and fats stored in the blood and provide you with necessary precautions accordingly.

Hence, get yourself tested regularly and eliminate unhealthy habits to lead a healthy and long life.


How To Boost Immunity


Women Cutting Fruits

With the increase in infections and spread of pandemic, one is required to take utmost care of their immunity.

To have a strong immune system, it is essential to maintain a healthy and a lively lifestyle. 

There are various sources of immunity set apart from artificial ways of infusing antibodies through injections like receiving the direct source of vitamin D through sunlight, drinking plenty of water, having a regular sleep and exercise schedule and following many other healthy habits.

In order to keep regular checks on your immunity one must get health check ups done regularly.

A very less known fact is, staying happy along with staying fit can help to build a strong immunity system by regulating hormones to fight foreign invaders.

Understanding Your Immune System

A human immune system is specially designed to protect the human body against foreign bodies. Our immune system is smartly designed to differentiate innate antibodies from the outside invaders. 

Formed from the precursors in the bone marrow the immune cells mature and spread to skin, bloodstream, thymus, lymphatic system, spleen and mucosal tissues with the aim to protect and keep our body healthy.

Immunity & Diet

Women Chopping Vegetables

Immunity is directly proportional to our consumption of foods and herbs. With the increase in awareness of immunity, the consciousness of food intake has considerably increased. 

The focus has now been shifted from tasty food to healthy food, along with the popularity of Indian herbs coming back to the picture. 

The intake of famous Indian kadha, astragalus root, ginger, angelica roots, foods rich in omega3, carotenoids, Vitamin C & E and honey has been noticed since the start of the spread of Coronavirus in India, to keep the immunity strong and fight against the harmful viruses.

While we talk about immunity we cannot forget to mention the vitality of Vitamin C as it directly protects the immune system by healing wounds. This antioxidant fights free radicals to shield the body from foreign bodies.

Increasing Focus on Immunity

Women Working Out

The prevailing conditions have led to an increase in considerable importance on health over the hectic work schedules.

The ancient saying “Health is Wealth” is the  new age mantra, as people are now more inclined to a healthy lifestyle above anything else.

Beginning from healthy diet to exercises to regular checkups, the awareness of healthy living has considerably increased amongst people.

Immunity & Lifestyle

Women Working

It’s a very less known fact that lifestyle has a significant effect on immunity. There is not much one can do regarding ageing issues, as the body tends to grow weak and loses the ability to produce new cells to protect against viruses. 

While others can still focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle by centering around a balanced diet, maintaining regular sleep and workout schedules, quitting on stress and eliminating alcohol and smoke.

Immunity & Diseases

Sick Women

We are all aware of the disorders caused due to lack of immunity. While few like cold and flu can be treated quickly while others sepsis and cancer may lead to death as well. 

One cannot predict how these variants may enter the body through various passages but once not treated properly they are deadly.

Therefore, it is advised to get blood tests done in Pathology Laboratory to detect these diseases at an early stage. 

While mechanical, chemical and cellular barriers are designed to protect us from harm, pathogens are proficient to break these barriers and affect our immunity directly.

Scientific Researches & Immunity


Increases in the importance of immunity have made scientists absorbed in the study of immunology. They are now attentive and are carrying out various researches leading to the factors triggering immunity and discoveries of various vaccinations to build it. 

It is now a topmost priority for NIAID to learn about the immune system, it’s detrimental effects and how technology can further be used to fight these fatal organisms and viruses.


Therefore, considering the current scenario one needs to focus on their well-being by following a basic healthy lifestyle including adequate intake of Vitamins and Antioxidants.

People need to be more responsible and take vaccinations to build their immunity regardless of the rumors and fake news prevailing around.

One should focus on reducing stress and lead a happy lifestyle along with a healthy lifestyle as they regulate the hormones that help in fighting the bacteria and viruses that are causing damages to the organs and tissues.